eHumanista Volume 60 (2024)
Abstracts |
Silvia Arroyo ed., Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Modern Spain
Ted L.L. Bergman, The Public-Private Paradox of Acrostics in Golden Age Literary Studies | 1 | |
Àngel Campos-Perales, Prince Charles's Purchases of Paintings in Madrid, 1623: New Findings on His Visit to the Don Jerónimo Funes Collection |
29 | |
Francisco Fontanesi Gomes, Glory and Tragedy in Spain: The Representation of War and Its Transformation in Velázquez and Goya's Painting |
47 | |
Alba Gómez de Zamora Sanz, Women and the Making of the Arts in 17th-Century Madrid: Some Considerations |
66 | |
Benjamin Griffiths, Novelar a lo santo? Reimagining the Spanish Inquisition and its Relationship with Golden-age Exemplary Short Fiction (ESF) |
79 | |
Rocío Soto Delgado, Conventual enclosure, spiritual devotion, and artistic creation. Notes on some nun artists in Golden Age Spain and Portugal |
88 | |
Rosa María Stoops, Literature and Early Studies of the Mind: Imagery and Meaning in La ilustre fregona, an Exemplary Novel by Miguel de Cervantes Through the Lens of C.G. Jung’s Theories on Psychology and Alchemy |
103 | |
Orla Keating, Gabriel Alonso de Herrera and the Classical Tradition |
116 | |
Shruti Rajgopal, Independent royalty or an annexed state? Portuguese historiography through Neo-Latin literature in the sixteenth century |
129 | |
Joaquín Cruz Lamas, San Gabriel Cholula: An Indigenous Jerusalem in New Spain |
146 |
Regular Volume
Ricardo Rodrigo Mancho, En torno a la solicitación. Una corrección amable a partir de El jardín de Venus de Samaniego | 168 | |
Crystal Chemris, Cervantes, Góngora, and Utopian Meditations on Imperial History | 183 | |
Srefania Botticchio Giorgi, La catedral de Pamplona: modelo para los doseles de Villaespesa-Ujué en Tudela , Melancholy, Rape, and the Gendering of Poetics in Zayas’s Desengaños | 202 | |
Rafael Ernesto Costarelli, La partitura vocal de Cervantes. Semiología de la voz en Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda | 222 | |
Miguel Rodríguez García, Escritores antitaurinos en el Siglo de Oro y el peculiar caso de James Salgado | 244 | |
Emily S. Beck, Reading the Gran Capitán: Leadership, Storytelling, and Political Transition after Queen Isabel I | 258 | |
Magdalena Altamirano, Don Quijote y las randas: condición femenina, trabajo textil y tradición literaria en el segundo Quijote cervantino | 272 | |
Elizabeth Terry-Roisin, Jesuit Notions of Nobility: Chivalric Culture in the Early Modern World | 290 | |
Ricardo da Costa, Vinicius Saebel Lemos, Alexandre Emerick Neves, Matheus Corassa da Silva, O Descendimento: novas expressões corporais na Arte italiana, nórdica e catalã (sécs. XIV-XV) |
310 | |
Fernando Riva, Discernimiento de espíritus y escatología en Planeta (1218) de Diego García de Campos | 335 |
Fátima Contreras Pérez, Review of Cabo-González, Ana M.ª El Kitāb al-Tağribatayn de Ibn Bāğğa y Sufyān al-Andalusī. Reconstrucción de la obra a través de las citas de Ibn al-Bayṭār en su Kitāb al-Ğāmi’, introducción, edición, traducción y estudio de Ana M.ª Cabo González. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2024
351 |
Juan Montero, Review of Eugenia Fosalba. La senda poética de Garcilaso en Europa. Madrid – Frankfurt: Iberoamericana – Vervuert (Clásicos Hispánicos, 34), 2024
353 |