Este curioso documento, que tiene como transfondo la
destrucción de la Armada Invencible en 1588, documenta el miedo
inglés a un nuevo ataque español. Con el motivo de la captura
de Cádiz en 1596, Felipe II decidió atacar Inglaterra, para
lo que empezó a preparar una nueva flota en El Ferrol. Inglaterra
reunió una flota bajo el mando de Essex y Raleigh para destruir
la armada de El Ferrol. La flota inglesa partió en julio de 1597
pero debido a una tormenta tuvo que regresar a puerto; recuperada, alcanzó
El Ferrol, aunque no tuvo éxito en atacar la flota española.
El documento insiste en los contacto hispano-iralandeses en contra de
los intereses ingleses. También bajo el mismo reinado de Isabel
I se documentan numerosos textos en forma de edictos, con los títulos
de ´declaración de las causas´ o ´declaración
de las causas justas de guerra´, de los que ofrecemos una muestra
varia en textos subsiguientes.
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña
Aleksandra Jovanovich
University of California, Santa Barbara
a Nauie and / Armie to the Seas and / toward Spaine. / Imprinted at London
by the De- / puties of Christopher Barker, Prin- / ter to the Queenes most
excellent / Maiestie. / Anno Dom. 1597.
[1] A Declaration of the iust causes mooving the Queenes
Maiestie to send a navie and armie to the seas and towards Spaine.
Although the Queenes Maiestie as a
soveraigne Prince and Queene is not (for respect of any person) bounde
to make accompte or declare to the world the causes for iustification
of any her publike actions, yet least any sinister or doubtfull interpretation
should be made by the diversitie of opinions, either of strangers or of
her owne naturall [2] subiects, of her
present preparations of a navy and an army now committed to the Earle
of Essex as her generall with divers noble men and other persons of credite
and reputation to serve with him both by sea and land; her Maiestie would
have it understood for a very trueth that shee is mooved hereunto onely
for defence of the state of her owne kingdomes and people against the
apparant preparations of great forces put in readinesse by the king of
Spaine to offend her Maiestie sundry wayes, and specially to invade her
realme of Ireland; in which desseigne he was so farre proceeded in the
beginning of this last winter, that he had awaited together as great number
of ships to serve in the said action as he could furnish from all parts
of his dominions or could recover by imbarging all other ships of service
which came for trade into Spaine or Portugall. And yet such was the providence
of God, contrary to that King´s hope and intention ( by hastning
of his enterprise in a time unlooked for) to surprise some place in England
or Ireland before her Maiestie could have had her owne force in readinesse,
shee still providing ( but that shee is dayly provoked) to have
lived in peace, which shee professed to with both to her selfe and all
christendome as it pleased him who from hea[3]ven with Justice beholdeth
all mens purposes, condemning the tyrannous disturbers of the worlde and
comforting such as for peace withstand violence) suddenly and most strangely
to drowne and make unserviceable divers of his best ships of warre being
under sayle comming from Lisbone and very neere to the destined haven
of Ferroll with destruction of no small numbers of soldiers and mariners.
Amongst which many of those Irish rebels of all sortes of professions
both tituler bishops and other Irish people that were entertained in Spaine
to have accompanied either that navie or some part thereof into Ireland,
where also cast away. By which manifest acte of Almighty God that Armie
was so weakened as the same coulde not put to the seas, according to his
former desseigne; and yet neverthelesse, as it manifestly hath appeared,
the king of Spaine not being warned by this iust punishment by God´s
ordinance, without resistanceby any outward force, but forgetting howe
by the favour of Almighty God, his proud navie in the yeere eightie eight
was overthrowen by our forces, and not withstanding his losse at Cales
by her Maiestie´s armie, which shee was in like sort constrained
for her safetie to defeate (all being but the preparatives to some dangerous
action against her) such is [4] still his malice (although he finde that
both by God and man he is impeached in his iniust pretences) as
he hath hastened to make all maner of new preparations of shipping,
and of men and bictual, and munitions, greater than all Spaine and Portugall
coulde yeeld, and therefore hath sent into Italie, and to
the East Countreyes for all things necessarie to repaire his armie at
Ferroll to pursue his former purpose, and in the meane
time hath sent certaine captaines in sundry small vessels, with
a remnant of some Irish fugitives, into Ireland to animate the rebels
to be obstinate in their rebellion untill hee might send them succours,
not onely feeding the principals with hope of vaine cities and dignities,
but plainely avowing the usurpation of the whole realme for himselfe,
to the deprivation of her Maiestie´s crowne and state of that kingdome,
a matter so farre knowen and prooved as besides that it is most notorious
that his army was in October last on the high way towards their iourney,
the capitall Craytour Tyrone himselfe hath sent to her governour of that
realme, a letter signed with the king of Spaine´s owne name to the
purposes aforesaide. Nowe then that these the king of Spaine´s actions
and purposes are manifestly knowen, and the reparation of his navy
dayly [5] laboured, and an army newly levyed with all necessaries of victual
and munition brought Ferroll fit for such an enterprise so as his sending
to the seas (as soone as those difficulties are overcome) is dayly expected
and so publikely divulged without giving colour for any other purpose;
and seeing her Maiestie doeth finde the rebels in Ireland perfill still
in generall expectation to be relieved with Spanish navie; her Maiestie
of her princely providence for the safetie of both her kingdomes doth
appeale to all the world whether shee be not necessarily inforced to send
out this army to the seas to resist and divert all acts of
hostilitie which that army of Spaine might nowe this sommer time attempt
against either of her realmes of England or Ireland, her navy being compounded
of a competent number of her maiestie´s owne shippes of warre without
burdening of her subiects for service with their port ships (as in former
times) but retaining the admirall of her kingdome in readines with the
rest of her royall shippes to withstand all other accidents that might
appeare dangerous in these parts
neere her. To all which courses her excellent Maiestie being thus provoked
this her purpose may and ought not onely to be allowed but favoured,
and furthered by all Christian princes, states and [6] people, the fame
being so affected generally by her owne subiects as she is iustly moved
to denie the sutes of great numbers of her nobilitie and valiant
gentlemen who having importuned her for leave to serve as voluntaries
in this voyage shee hath stayed great part of them to doe her service
at home. And therefore little doubteth, but by continuance of God´s
favour (whereof shee hath by sundry speciall and notable blessings had
singular demonstration) to preserve her kingdomes by her forces, thus
timely provided and shadowed under the favour of Almighty God, who hath
hithereto and will hereafter see these Spanish proude and uniust attempts
made frustrate, whereby the king may by chastisement of the Almightie
God of hostes bee induced to live in peace with his neighbours, which
all iust rinces propound for an ende of all their Martiall actions.